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Someone Like Me?

Someone Like Me?

"I've done some really messed up things in my life... things  I can't undo. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to put the pieces back together. I'm just too so far gone. How could someone like me be forgiven? How could someone like me be washed of my sins when I feel so unworthy of God...
Orchestrating Chaos

Orchestrating Chaos

Most of us cling to noise because we simply don't know what to do with silence. Of all the things we know, silence can be the most deafening, the most crippling. Because it's under its delicate candor that we find ourselves face to face with our thoughts, and no noise to muffle their nagging. In ...
Outgrowing Your Shoes

Outgrowing Your Shoes

So many days I find myself wrapped up in my own struggle, my own issues, my overwhelmingly meaningless whatever problem of the moment. It's natural, because it's real, it's immediate, it's what's in front of me. But in the midst of my mess, I can usually find a single moment where for a brief s...

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